Saturday, February 22, 2020

Archetype, the Cause for Suffering according to Buddha, and Peoples Assignment

Archetype, the Cause for Suffering according to Buddha, and Peoples Perception on Platos Level of Awareness between Ancient Athens in Modern Day - Assignment Example An archetype is a universally acceptable pattern, behavior or statement among human beings that is meant to build pillars for individuals to follow. Carl Jung a psychologist claim that archetype lies in the collective unconscious of humanity and so it is in every individual. Archetype was derived from a Latin word ‘archetupos’ which means first-molded, hence it represents the beginning (James, 5). There are, however, critics to archetype saying that is a myth in psychology and culture, according to the critics it is something that does not really exist. An accept in modern society will be heroes and leaders, these are the modern day archetype and individuals always want to emulate them. Heroes are believed to be selfless and problem solvers, they do things for the community around them as compared to the doing for themselves. The community tends to be looking upon them for the solution of things facing them. A hero is a courageous being who has strength and capability fo r taking care of the people around him. Every hero story is the same where they are born and living just like an ordinary person, then tackles an extraordinary problem that other people cannot handle, receiving awards hence becoming the community hero. A person holding a higher position example a political position or maybe in an organization and show concern by helping the region or organization from a bad position that was in earlier to a better place is considered a leader. People acknowledge their work when they see that there have been lifted from a ditch to a place they can confidently support themselves. The fact that not everybody can do that for an organization or a region and people look up to them, gives them the title leader (Margaret, 139). Heroes and leaders are ideal people mainly because people look upon them to handle hard tasks that not every person can.     Ã‚  

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Dynamics of machine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Dynamics of machine - Essay Example can easily be determined especially if the equations are of the mechanical system or machine units, which usually consists of larger components of machines such as motors, transmission mechanisms, and control devices or in most cases a working machine. The concept of dynamic of machine consists of a number of equations that are equal to the number of degree of mechanical system’s freedom. For the equation to work or to enhance the ease of the mechanism operation, all forces or masses in a plane mechanism with a single degree of freedom are to be reduced to a single link which is normally called reference point or reduction link (89). And the subjective link that is to be applied to the reduction link is known as reduced moment of inertia. When the moment of reduction is equal to the aggregate of all moments and the forces applied to the links of the mechanism, the subjective moment of inertia is considered to be the reduced moment of inertia. The chain of the equation of dynamic of machines includes the determination of the kinetic energy, and when the kinetic energy of the reduction link is equal to the sum of the kinetic energy of all of the mechanism, the reduced force can be analogously (100). Through rational selection and placement of counterweights, that reduces the dynamic pressure in kinematic pair of mechanisms the concept of machines and mechanism can be easily balanced. Practically the machines are always balanced by reducing the vibrations and balancing the rotation of masses, while in modern high speed machines the inertia forces attain high values (100). The relation of the dynamic studies in machines is highly linked to the calculation of the strength and stiffness of the machine components that highly relates to the dimension and the designs of the parts. The studies are also performed through three dimensions mechanisms and with many degrees of freedom. Therefore it is important to notice that the operations performed by systems of high