Thursday, December 26, 2019

Differential Diagnosis Of Sickle Cell Disease - 1361 Words

What is your list of differential diagnoses in this case and explain how each of these fits with the case patient as described above. Be sure to list at least four (4) pertinent differential diagnoses. Indicate which of these you would select as the most likely diagnosis and explain why. 1) Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) (Sickle Cell Crisis): Sickle cell disease is a hereditary disease. The majority of individuals affected by SCD are those of African descent (Yawn John-Sowah, 2015). SCD develops hereditarily by an individual being homozygous for sickle hemoglobin (HbSS) (Yawn John-Sowah, 2015). Individuals will also have another abnormal hemoglobin gene, such as HbSC (Yawn John-Sowah, 2015). The red blood cells (RBCs) in SCD lose oxygen and become sickled (Yawn John-Sowah, 2015). The RBCs loose flexibility and shape; sickled cells have been described as having a crescent moon shape (Yawn John-Sowah, 2015). Organ and tissue damage is due to the sickled RBCs (Rees Gibson, 2011). Without flexibility, the sickled cells cause vaso-occlusions which lead to tissue infarction and inflammation (Rees Gibson, 2011). Vasoocclusive crisis (VOC) is a common complication of SCD that will be sudden and severe causing severe pain (Yawn John-Sowah, 2015). Individuals must be monitored for infection, pain, renal failure, cerebrovascular disease, and acute chest syndrome (Rees Gibson, 2011). Individuals with SCD are at a high risk for stroke (Yawn John-Sowah, 2015).Show MoreRelatedA Study On Alyscia And Devon Essay1131 Words   |  5 Pagespresented with an enlarged spleen. Pre-screening indicates signs of sickle cell anemia (SCA). Patient’s mother reports no family history; however, paternal aunt passed away at an early age. Ask What are the screen types for SCA, as well as, the other types of genetic anemias and how to differentiate between them? Access This article covers the insights into HbF gene regulation. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Indoor Air Pollution - 3838 Words

Many people think of pollution as the air that we breathe outdoors. Not everyone realizes that the air we breathe indoors is much more polluted. There are pollutants in the atmosphere that have reached a level that is causing a threat to the health of individuals. Pollution began in the early times from the gases of molten volcanic activity being released into the atmosphere. Additional pollutants were caused by the combustion of biomass, volatilization of organic compounds, and the release of bio-effluents from living organisms. Pollutants can be caused by the natural movements and actions of the planet itself. Particles can become suspended in the air by abrasive action of surface winds, fires, wave action, and the fracture of†¦show more content†¦A sick building is distinguished from a normal one when the majority of the occupants are suffering from symptoms of sick building syndrome. Sick building syndrome occurs when a building has insufficient ventilation or ther mal control, inadequate maintenance of building systems, changes in thermal or contaminant loads, changes in building operation to meet new objectives such as energy conservation and inadequate design of a building for its intended use. Some other contributing factors may include physical, chemical, biological, and psychosocial factors. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was established by the United Nations to watch the world environmental conditions. They are to alert governments around the world of impending ecological dangers. The governments are to then attempt to avoid these dangers by preventative measures. The UNEP has pointed out to the government that pollution does not respect national boundaries and feels that the atmospheric degradation is causing the increase in illness and deaths among humans; the most susceptible are children and the elderly. Pollutants are emitted into the air nationwide by both natural and manmade pollutants. Emissions from natura l resources are caused by living and non-living sources, The emissions that are produced in an area lead to a natural background concentration which varies depending on the local source of the emissions and theShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Air Pollution And Indoor Pollution1288 Words   |  6 Pagestoo much exposure from air pollution? This is becoming a global problem because of the extremely high levels of toxins and chemicals being produced. So how do we reduce air pollution? First, we all must educate ourselves and become aware of the rising health problems related to pollution. The majority of individuals today are unaware of the chronic illnesses that can occur from polluted air. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Essay on Aircraft

Question: Write an essay on the aircraft accident of your choice from the advanced aerodynamic point. Answer: Introduction An air crash is the aviation mishap and accident (He Li, 2011). A lot of the airlines like helicopter, airplanes, jet planes and air balloons are designed to make sure that there is a huge level of safety provided to passengers. Still, the aviation accidents take place and are harmful to lives. It is unavoidable accident that cant be predicted. It brings the tragic loss of life. These aviation accidents can take place due to various key factors such as human error, bad climatic conditions, and failure of engine, aviation element breakdown or breakdown of the device. Apart from that, other usual factors that lead to the aviation accidents are the errors of traffic control system, bird strikes, fire in the cabin, and defects in design, sabotage, inadequate fuelling, high jacking and lighting issues. The case of an Asiana Airlines Flight 214 Boeing with number 777-200ER, HL7742 San Francisco, California, has been considered to understand the skills that are required to be taught to tho se who seek to be a part of the piloting career. Causes of event The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) estimated numerous standards concerning fatigue like the last sleep and its quality, circadian aspects along with the time period awake etc. It was concluded that the main cause of the accident was that during that accident all the three pilots had been going through any kind of fatigue. This might be a disturbance in the circadian regularityand having less or broken sleep then usual sleep. Therefore, the performances of all the pilots were spoiled at the time of accident. Fatigue is a human aspect which is not easy to be defined but when we look at others we can identify this feeling. It can be a psychological/ mental or physical kind of fatigue. By psychological/ mental fatigue there can be a drop seen in the cognitive behaviour. It reduces the capacity to carry out any task in a secure an effective way. On the other hand, a physical fatigue happens when the muscles are tired and the person isn't able to uphold optimal physical performance. Fatigue can be a transitory situation because of inadequate sleep however it can bring severe physical and psychological disability. Fatigue is usuallyconfused with the terms like sleepiness or tiredness. Although sleepiness and fatigue are interrelated still they cannot be termed as synonyms. As per the International civil aviation organisation, fatigue can be defined as- a physiological condition of a decreased emotional or physical performance capacity which is caused due to inadequate sleep or extensive restlessness, circadian stage or excessive workload which can spoil the crewmembers attentiveness and capacity to safely carry out the task/ duties (ICAO, 2013). For assessing the cause of the accident the number of hours of sleep of the pilot flying, pilot monitoring and the observer had been evaluated with respect to their normal sleep hours. As per the reports by NTSB, the pilot who was flying the aircraft had got less hours of sleep then his normal in the 24 hours prior to the mishap. So it can be seen that the main cause of the mishap was nonconsolidated sleep which is not equally restorative to the consolidated one. Also even though the pilot monitoring and the observer reported that they had adequate sleep in the previous 24 hours however that sleep was segmented which reduced the restorative value. One more cause for the accident was that all these three people were facing the issue of fatigue because the time of accident was among their normal sleeping hours. At this point of time theirphysiological attentiveness was at its lowest. Consequences of the event As per the NTSBs reports issued: 3 out of the 291 passengers were seriously wounded, 40 commuters got severe wounds. The Boeing was damaged by a post-collision flames and collision services. Primary and secondarycauses of the accident Even though Asiana had undertaken different steps for preventing and mitigating fatigue, still the primary cause of this accident was fatigue. The steps involved in training the pilots and the accident crews on the cause-and-effect of fatigue (Williams, 2017). In this training the strategies were also been shared for minimisation of fatigue and the flight crew was told about the rest activities. There were provision of rotating the primary and relieve pilots in order that pilots were always attentive. Even though there was an Observer also aside for the monitor so that the primary flight crews activities were recorded in the monitoring capacity was improved. Beyond all these measures being undertaken, the timings of this flight had huge chances of causing fatigue. So it can be said that primary cause of this accident was the fatigue and the secondary cause had been timing or scheduling of the flight. Chain of events that led to eventual accident There was flight crew's mismanagement as from the beginning there had been a phase of stress that reduced the capacity ofpilotto monitor the flyingpilotsactivities. Thiswas whenthere was an unintentional deactivation of automatic air speed control system. Even though when the plane was at 200 feet One or twocrewmembersgot to know of the lower airspeed andsituation howeverno action was taken and tell the aircraft went below hundred feet. After this, the situation went beyond control. The flight crew was facing fatigue, which led to the gradation of theactivities whiledoing their work. There was even non-standardised communication and coordination among the flying pilot and monetary pilot when they had to make choices for controlling the AFDS (autopilot flight director system) and A/T (autothrottle) was there. There was a perplexity which brought degradation of their abilities to deal with A/T and AFDS. So there was a series of mistakes like inadequacy of Crew monitoring of air speed signals which was caused due to fatigue, dependency on automation, higher workload, and high expectancy. Even after all this there had been delayedstart-upof recovery steps by the flying pilot and the monitoring pilot once they got to know off the low-power and low airspeed. All this happened dueto mixtureof surprise, non-standardised communication and the perplexity of role responsibility. The NTSB found out that the possible cause for the mishap was set of events like: The aircrafts crews mismanagement led to the aircraft crash, the pilot who was flying unintended deactivated the automatic year speeding control system, Flight crew members were not adequately monitoring the airspeed, Flight crew members also delayed the caring out of their job once they came to know of the aircraft beingunderthe acceptable gliding part and air speed limits. So all in all,it can be said that the events which led to the mishap were complications of autothrottle and auto pilot flying director schemes that were not sufficiently explained in Boeing's documents and Asiana's pilot guidance, which led to the chances of inaccurate mode.Alsothere was non-standardised communication and coordination among the crew members which was in terms of theutilisationof autothrottle and auto pilot flight systems. The pilot who was flying was not adequately trainedtowardsthe planningand gettingout of visual systems. The monitoring pilot or the instructor was also not adequately supervising the pilot who was flying the aircraft. Ultimately all these factors were combined with the crew's fatigue which downgraded the performances. Recommendations for flight safety improvement As per NTSB it is recommended that necessary steps are undertaken for handling such situations however it is also admitted that it is highly complicated to fully remove the fatigue of crew members while operating for long distant flights. Still this task is not impossible and the suggestions are made that airlines can gather the information regarding the pilot fatigue while carrying out the operations. By use of this data gathered little adjustments can be made in scheduling and different aspects, which can help in maximisation of the rest of the pilots and minimisation of happening of fatigue while there is work pressure. This kind of approach is recommended by ICAO instructions booklets where in the topic of fatigue risk management system (FRMS) is explained. During this mishap, Asiana was at the initial phase of planning and developing and FRMS. As per the report issued by NTSB, if FRMS is created and executed one time then it can definitely lead to reduction of flight crew member s' fatigue. Since this airline has trans-meridian flights and long durational flights therefore it is recommended that the development of FRMS is expedited. It is also recommended that the flight crew members follow the operator SOPs and go through the proper training so that there is improvement in their communication, and does leading to mitigation of impacts of a take on long durational flights. Therefore the improvements in all of these aspects are suggested References He, G., Li, X. (2011). Numerical Simulation of Loitering Aircraft Aerodynamics in Low Speed Flight. Advanced Materials Research, 204-210, 139-143. International Civil Aviation Organization: Proposals Concerning Unlawful Interference Against International Civil Aviation. (2013).International Legal Materials,9(06), 1183-1217. Williams, M. (2017).Boeing 777 from Seoul crashes on landing at San Francisco airport.The Guardian. Retrieved 23 August 2017, from

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Green Light Essay Sample free essay sample

The green visible radiation at the terminal of Daisy’s dock is a important symbol within the book. To Gatsby. the green visible radiation represents his dream. which is Daisy. To achieve her would be finishing Gatsby’s American Dream. The first clip the green visible radiation is seen in the novel is besides the first clip Nick sees Gatsby. Fitzgerald writes. â€Å"†¦he stretched out his weaponries toward the dark H2O in a funny manner. and. far as I was from him. I could hold sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced offshore – and distinguished nil except a individual green visible radiation. minute and far away†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The green visible radiation is described as ‘minute and far away’ which makes it look impossible to make. This will turn out to be true for Gatsby. The green visible radiation besides represents society’s desire and the looking impossibleness of accomplishing the mercenary American Dream. We will write a custom essay sample on The Green Light Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Further into the novel. it is revealed that Gatsby desire for Daisy is besides his desire for the yesteryear. Five old ages ago. when Gatsby foremost meets Daisy and they fall in love. Daisy was the representation of position and wealth. She was desired all the immature work forces and for Gatsby to achieve meant that he was the most worthy. In Norman Holmes Pearson’s critical essay Reading a Novel–The Great Gatsby he describes what Daisy means to Gatsby. â€Å"She seemed to be the representation of what he yearned for: the Platonic kernel. the noumenal as he saw it through the phenomenal metaphor. She shone before him like Ag. and he rode toward her as a knight rides toward his lady. And like America itself. with its Franklininan image of a society in whic there were no absolute barriers and a adult male could go what he wished to go. Daisy gave him the green visible radiation to travel agead. Merely it took money to purchase the auto to fall in the traffic. † H ere. Pearson likens Daisy to a tropy as â€Å"a knight drives toward his lady. She is meant to be the item of his success. He reinforces the thought that green visible radiation represents Daisy which is his dream. He uses the metaphor of traffic visible radiations. where if he wishes to drive toward the green visible radiation. first Gatsby will necessitate the money to purchase a auto. Which is finally what he does. He amasses this wealth to utilize in his pursuit of Daisy. However now when he desires Daisy. he besides desires the yesteryear that he shared with Daisy. At the terminal of the fresh Nick concludes the book with these words. â€Å"Gatsby believed in the green visible radiation. the orgastic hereafter that twelvemonth by twelvemonth recedes before us. It eluded us so. but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster. stretch out our weaponries farther. And so one mulct morning— So we beat on. boats against the current. borne back endlessly into the past. † This describes Gatsby’s inability to travel on from the past. Everything he does in the novel is to s eek and animate the yesteryear. In this metaphor. Gatsby tries to goes against the currents—or time—to reach the green visible radiation or his dream. And as in the quotation mark. the green visible radiation which represents his dream. ‘recedes’ like moving ridges twelvemonth by twelvemonth.