Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Article Need An Organ - 933 Words

The article â€Å"Need an Organ? It Helps to be Rich,† by Joy Victory informs readers of how medical systems work for those who are in need of an organ transplant. In the article, Victory talks about a 34-year-old man named Brian Shane Regions - who is in need of a heart transplant, but is not able to secure one because he is not insured. Therefore, not having insurance, Brian is put into an unfortunate situation because he is simply not getting any treatment for his heart failure. This is a great example of how patients without insurance could not be provided with an organ donor. Victory argues a variety of issues concerning how the organ donation system is unfair to certain people. A transplant cost a bundle amount of money, which leads to the rich only able to have the procedure done. While the poor cannot afford the cost of the transplant, creating an unfair situation for the less fortunate. The transplant centers can do anything as they please because they simply care mor e about the money. However, not all transplant centers treat their patients unfairly, several centers are truly able to support the uninsured patients in need of a transplant. It is simply unfair for the patients, who do not have enough money to pay for transplant and the medical systems are unethical. In the article, Joy Victory discusses how the medical system favors patients who are rich and insured. Victory has written many different articles about current health issues that affect everyone in theShow MoreRelatedThe Key to Solving The American Organ Allocation Essay1665 Words   |  7 Pageslungs came available in time. Organ allocation in the United States of America has become a heavily debated subject in the medical field as well as the political and ethical fields. There is no doubt that there is a shortage of organs in the United States. 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Public Health Reports. Association of Schools of Public Health, 2013. Web. 14 June 2017. . Organ and tissue donation are important and could be difference between life and death in some cases. In this article Kenneth Moritsugu is a former Acting Surgeon General of the United States and shares his experiences with organ donning and how it can change livesRead MoreImportance Of Organ Donation Essay1660 Words   |  7 Pages2017 The Importance of Organ Donation While researching about organ donation, many articles brought forth the fact of how important organ donation is. This topic, however, is a big controversy among many people, especially families. Several articles, magazines, and previous research articles all share what organ donation really is and why it is important. By being a donor, you can save many lives in the end. My goal for this paper is to bring forth the importance of organ donation. 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The teenager is now suffering from kidney failure, and just for a couple of new toys

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