Monday, May 25, 2020

Confucius And Aristotle On Virtue - 1318 Words

Confucius and Aristotle on Virtue This essay compares two philosophers of two very different and distinct backgrounds. Confucius’s ideas were developed as a result of his involvement and manifestation in the ancient Chinese culture while Aristotle’s ideas were a result of his absorption and existence in the ancient Greek culture. Subsequently, both philosophers touched on subjects of a similar nature quite frequently, so as, what constitutes virtue or good ethical character and conduct. According to virtue â€Å"is the conformity of one’s life and conduct to moral and ethical principles†. Aristotle s define virtue in the Nicomachaen Ethics (NE) (The Golden Mean) as a form of knowledge that is â€Å"relative to us† and is shown to us by phron’sis a concept that has instructive parallel with Confucian yi; hence, Confucius definition or comment of virtue were scattered all over the Analects, due to the fact that it was not presented as a formal catalog. Confucius had four to five central virtues supported in the beliefs of Confucianism; these are courage, justice, humanity, temperance, wisdom and transcendence. The research showed that Aristotle and Confucius shared similarity with four core virtues: First, Courage according to Aristotle is â€Å"not exactly the same for each person, because the mean is relative to the individual†, therefore one person courage might be slightly more towards rashness, and for the anot her it might lie slightly in the other direction, whileShow MoreRelatedEssay about Confucius and Aristotle on Virtue953 Words   |  4 PagesConfucius and Aristotle on Virtue Lisa Wilson Dr. Malone Date 12/5/2015 Confucius and Aristotle are some of the greatest thinkers in the history of mankind. 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