Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Professional Writing Essay - 800 Words

â€Å"To write is human, to write well is divine† (Anonymous, 2010). So, why is it important to write professionally and what constitutes professional writing? Contrary to popular belief, professional writing is not merely being paid to write; although, professional writers are paid well. In short, professional writing is writing at the next level with a purpose. It is important to show the basic aspects of professional writing (knowing the audience, knowing the purpose, being persuasive, and getting to the point) so that one is able to accomplish the act of communicating effectively and looking professional in doing so. Let’s not confuse professional writing (business writing) with recreational writing (creative writing). When one†¦show more content†¦Writing the message with the audience in mind will not only help shape the style of the message itself but the tone in which it is presented as well as the formality of the language used. Tone is the main tool used to effectively and efficiently sell the message and its purpose. Advanced word usage (conversational yet professional, positive, courteous, inclusive and familiar to the reader) is important in writing. Use of active or passive voice, emphasis through style, coherent sentence structure, coherent paragraph structure and placement of the main idea within the message are all used to set the tone and shape the readers frame of mind. Tone also dictates the clarity in which the message is delivered. The most important thing is to format the document and design the content of your message with the reader in mind so that they w ill understand the message clearly and quickly as well as accept the message readily. Professional writing is not industry specific or medium specific. For that matter it is not just for professionals or professional purposes. It is not just for writing a novel or a business letter or inter-office memo. It can be used for direct messages that require action, making requests, delivery of bad news, giving instruction, reports or proposals, marketing, school research projects, goodwill messages, or something as informal as sending an email to a family member. Is the address correct? Does the subject line summarize the idea of theShow MoreRelatedWhat Are Professional Writing?1583 Words   |  7 Pages1. What is professional writing? Answer: Professional writing is the composition of informative materials designed for those who work in a professional capacity. This career also involves creating explanatory documents and articles, as well as sales materials for use in technical fields. Producing documentation and educational materials for use in the medical field is another activity within professional writing. 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